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Pilot Club Diary of Events for May 2016, and Coming Events for June

Events Posted on Wed, June 01, 2016 10:27:18



Our first Tuesday lunch was at The
William IV in St
and our pub nights were at The Waterend Barn in St Albans, The Plough at Tyttenhanger, The
Three Hammers in Chiswell Green, and the William IV in St. Albans. At two of these there was an
optional meal beforehand. There was also a lunch at the Sky Garden in London, and a special coeliac meal at West Herts College.

Over the first May bank holiday
there was a circular walk from the Shenley Tea Rooms, and a walk from St Albans ending with a pot-luck lunch in a
member’s garden. Also in May there was a walk around Bricket Wood, followed by
lunch, and there was dancing at the dance club in Edgware.

Film visits included some of the
Green Film Festival at Campus West (“Racing Extinction”, “Just Eat”, and
“Population Boom”); “Midnight Special”, “Victoria, the classic “Vertigo” and “Our
Kind of Traitor” at Campus West; and “The Revenant” at the Arena in St Albans. Visits to live shows included
“The Solid Silver Sixties Show” in St Albans, and “Jesus Christ Superstar” in
Radlett. Music included a concert of Brahms and Tchaikovsky at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield; and some members
went to hear Ronnie Scott’s All-Stars at the St Albans Arena.

Other visits were to the Jeyes Heritage Museum and other attractions in
Northamptonshire, to the Rolling Stones exhibition in London, and to the Highland Games in
Welwyn Garden City.

Our gardening club met for a chat
and cake, and our Bridge Club, Snooker Club and Supper Club continued to meet.

There was a quiz with buffet in St Albans in aid of charity, and also our
club AGM, with a quiz and supper.

Up in June 2016

nights will be at The Speckled Hen on the Hatfield/St Albans road, The Old Bell
in Harpenden, The Garibaldi in St Albans, and the King William IV in St Albans. There will be the usual pub quiz
every Monday, and the first Tuesday lunch at a pub in St Albans. Dancing will be at the club in
Edgware. Day-trips out will include a visit to the Steam & Country Show at Oaklands College, to the V&A to see the
“Botticelli Re-imagined” exhibition, and to a garden open day. Evening entertainment will include “The Elvis
Years” and a concert of songs from many eras in St John’s Church Welwyn Garden
City. There will be a deluxe fish & chips
meal at a restaurant in Harpenden.

If you
want to join club members on any of these events, or if you’d like to put an
event of your own choice into our programme, please contact the new members’
organiser through the contact box on the main page of this website for more

Pilot Club Diary of Events April 2016 and Coming Events for May

Events Posted on Sat, April 30, 2016 14:07:15


Our weekly pub nights in April
were twice at the King William IV in north St Albans, and also at The Chequers
at Redbourn (with optional meal beforehand), The Plough at Tyttenhanger, and
The Blackberry Jack at Jersey Farm. Members continue to join a Monday night
quiz at a pub on the Hatfield road. Our first Tuesday lunch was also at the
King William IV this month.

Dancing was at the dance club at
Edgware, and there was a walk in Heartwood Forest.

Entertainment outings included a
jazz night in Kings Langley, and an evening with the St Albans Jazz Ensemble at
the Abbey Theatre in St Albans. Members went to an evening with an Irish comedian at
Potters Bar, and “The Tap Factory” and “A Touch of Class” at St Albans Arena. Theatre
included “The God of Carnage” at The Barn in Welwyn Garden City, and “Parlour
Song” at the Abbey Theatre in St Albans. Films included “Anomalisa”, “High Rise” and “Eye of the
Storm” at Campus West in Welwyn Garden City.

Members went to a talk on Queen
Eleanor in St Albans Abbey and a slide lecture on Petra at the Radlett Art Society. There
were also two Saturday night quizzes with supper, in aid of different charities

This month there was an outing to London by train to visit The Foundling
Museum, where there was a special exhibition on illustrations about orphans in

Our club also has a Bridge Club
and a Snooker Group meeting weekly, and a Supper Club meeting occasionally in
members’ homes.

Coming Up in May

Over the first May bank holiday
there will be a circular walk from the Shenley Tea Rooms, and a walk from St
Albans ending with a pot-luck lunch in a member’s garden; plus a film “Racing Extinction” at Campus West, WGC.

Our first Tuesday lunch will be at
a pub in St
and our pub nights will be at Waterend Barn in St Albans, The Plough at Tyttenhanger, The
Three Hammers in Chiswell Green, and the William IV in St. Albans. At two of these there will be an
optional meal beforehand. There will also be a lunch at the Sky Garden in London, and a special meal at West Herts College.

Also in May, members will be going
on a Bluebell Walk around Ashridge, and dancing at the dance club in Edgware.
Film visits will include some of the Green Film Festival at Campus West
(“Racing Extinction”, “Just Eat”, and “Population Boom”); and “The Revenant” at
the Arena in St
Visits to live shows will include “The Solid Silver Sixties Show” in St Albans, and “Jesus Christ Superstar” in
Radlett. Music will include a concert of Brahms and Tchaikovsky at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield. Other visits will be
to the Jeyes Heritage Museum and other attractions in
Northamptonshire, and to the Rolling Stones exhibition in London. Our gardening club will meet for
a chat and cake. There will be a quiz with buffet in St Albans in aid of charity, and also our
club AGM, with a quiz and supper.

If you are interested in finding
out more
about our club, please contact our
new members’ organiser through the box on the main page of this website.

Pilot Club Diary of Events March 2016

Events Posted on Wed, March 30, 2016 22:14:35


Our Thursday pub evenings in March
were at The Waterend Barn in St Albans and The Chequers in Redbourn, both with the option of a
meal beforehand; at The Three Hammers in Chiswell Green; and twice at the
William IV in north St Albans. We also had our regular
first Tuesday lunch in St Albans, and our regular Monday night quiz at a pub on the
Hatfield road. There was also a Saturday night quiz at a church in

Dancers went to the dance-club in Edgware
for a Saturday night dance, and again for a dance on Good Friday. Walkers went
for a two-hour walk around Bricket Wood, with the option of a meal afterwards.

A highlight of March was our Pilot
trip to London by train on a Saturday to see the Cutty Sark and the Pepys
exhibition at the Maritime Museum at Greenwich.

Entertainment evenings included writer
and comedienne Pam Ayres at Wyllyotts Theatre in Potters Bar, and an evening of
dance music at Trestle Arts Base in St Albans. Members also went to the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield to hear a programme
of Beethoven and Elgar by the De Havilland Philharmonic. Some members went to a
slide lecture on John Singer Sargent organised by the Radlett Art Society.

Theatre in March was the
live-screening of the black comedy “Hangmen” in Welwyn Garden City. Films were
“Janis:Little Girl Blue”, “Hail Caesar”, “Marguerite”, and “Eddie the Eagle”,
all at Campus West, Welwyn Garden City, where we meet in the café/bar
beforehand. Members also had a lunch in St Albans, followed by the film “Dad’s
Army” at the Arena in St Albans.

Coming up in April we have another
Saturday trip by train to London, this time to visit the Foundling Museum and probably also the Wellcome
Collection. There will be an evening of jazz in Kings Langley; an evening with
Irish comedian Brendan Grace in Potters Bar;
a charity quiz night at Trinity Church, St Albans; and the shows “The
Tap Factory” and “A Touch of Class:
Strictly Come Dancing” at the Arena in St Albans. Local theatre will include
“The God of Carnage” at the Barn Theatre in WGC, and “Parlour Song” at the
Abbey Theatre in St Albans. The walk in April will be in Heartwood Forest. This is all in addition to our
regular pub-nights, quiz-nights, and first Tuesday lunch, and to our Supper
Club, Snooker Club and Bridge Club.

If you are interested in joining
our club, you can attend three events before joining.

Why not find out more detail from
our New Members’ Co-ordinator through the box on the main page of this website?


Events Posted on Mon, February 29, 2016 18:55:40


Our weekly pub nights in February were at pubs in
London Colney, Tyttenhanger, central St Albans, and north St Albans. Club members continued to enjoy the Monday
evening quiz at a pub on the Hatfield Road. The first Tuesday lunch was at the popular pub in
north St Albans.

Valentine’s Day was celebrated with a dance at the
dance club in Edgware. Walkers went on a 2-hour health-walk in Heartwood Forest, followed by lunch in a Sandridge pub.

A highlight was a trip by train to Westminster
Abbey, where we followed the recorded tour, with lunch afterwards in the café
at Westminster Hall.

Film events included “The Danish Girl” at St Albans
Arena, “Spotlight”, “The Big Short” and “The Dressmaker” at Garden City Cinema
; and theatre included “The Weir” at Wheathampstead, and “The Real Thing” at
the Abbey Theatre St Albans. Pilot members also went to a concert of Russian
classical music at the University
of Hertfordshire in Hatfield.

There was a quiz at a church in Marshalswick, with
a fish and chip supper. A games evening was held in a member’s home. Members
also went to Lussman’s restaurant in St Albans for a
Saturday evening meal.

Our regular clubs-within-the club continued, with
snooker on Fridays at a snooker club in St Albans; bridge club on Tuesday evenings in members’
homes; and the Supper Club, in which members take it in turns to host meals in
their homes.

Coming up in March we have a trip to Brooklands
Museum of Motor-sport and Aviation in Surrey, and a
visit to the Cutty Sark in London.
We’ll be going to a concert of music by
Beethoven and Elgar at the University of Hertfordshire and an evening of dance
music in St Albans; a live-screening of the black comedy “Hangmen” and an
interactive theatre event called “The Town Meeting” in Hatfield; “An Evening with Pam
Ayres” at Potters Bar; and the film “Dad’s Army” in St Albans. This is in addition to our regular
pub-nights, quizzes, dancing and walks.

Why not join us for a few events to see if you
would get more out of life as a member of Pilot Singles Social Club? Just
contact the New Members’ Co-ordinator through the box on the main page of this

Pilot Club Diary of Events January 2016

Events Posted on Mon, February 01, 2016 12:24:50


We saw in the New Year by going to a concert of light
classical music at St Albans Abbey, followed by hospitality at a member’s home.
Another January highlight was our delicious Burns Night supper, plus quiz, at a
hall in Tyttenhanger.

Our regular Thursday pub-nights were at our usual
venues: a pub on the Hatfield road, a pub in Chiswell Green, and twice at a pub
in north St Albans, plus our popular new spot, the Hemel
Hempstead Ski Centre. The regular Monday night quiz at the Hatfield road pub
continued, as did the first Tuesday lunch at the north St Albans pub. Dancers went to the regular dance-club
event at Edgware.

Film and theatre events included “Spectre”,
“Macbeth”, “Suffragette” and “Bridge of Spies” at St Albans Arena; “Joy”,
“Sunset Song” and a live-screening of “Les Liaisons Dangereuses” at Campus
West, Welwyn Garden City; the play
“Brassed Off” at The Barn Theatre in Welwyn Garden City; and the play “Eclipsed”
at the Abbey Theatre in St Albans.

There was an evening of “silly and sensible” games in
a member’s home, and a crib evening in another member’s home.

Members also joined a coach trip to a behind-the-scenes
tour at Wembley Stadium. Some members went to a pop-up auction in Welwyn. There
was a Pilot club trip by train to see some free exhibitions around King’s
Cross, subjects ranging from a Tibetan Temple, to a pioneering woman doctor, to “Alice in Wonderland”, to contemporary ceramics.

So we certainly didn’t stay at home and hibernate: we
were out-and-about enjoying ourselves.

Coming up in February we have a visit to Westminster
Abbey. Films will include “The Danish Girl” at the Arena, and “Spotlight” and “Leviathan”
at Campus West. Theatre will include “The Real Thing” at the Abbey Theatre, and
“The Weir” at Wheathampstead. We will be going to a concert of classical music
at the University of Hertfordshire. There will be a special Valentine’s Dance at the
Edgware dance club, and a Health Walk in Heartwood Forest followed by a drink in a pub. We’re
also booking now for the live-screening of “Hangmen” at Campus West, and a
coach trip to Brooklands Museum of Motorsport and Aviation, both coming up in

If you would like to have good company to go to any
of these events, or to an event that you would like to put in our programme,
just contact our New Members’ Co-ordinator by using the box on the main page of
this website.

Pilot Club Diary of Events December 2015

Events Posted on Tue, January 05, 2016 16:11:43


In our December programme we had a
special Christmas lunch for club members at Aldenham, and we joined a dinner
and disco Christmas event at a hotel in St Albans. On Christmas Eve there was a
mince-pies-and-mulled wine event at a member’s home, and on New Year’s Eve
there was a three-course meal at another member’s home. On New Year’s Day we
went to the annual concert of light classical music in St Albans Abbey,
followed by drinks and nibbles at a member’s home.

Our pub-nights in December were at
pubs in London Colney, Tyttenhanger, North St Albans and in Hatfield road St Albans, and at two of these there was an
optional meal beforehand. Our regular Monday-night quiz continued at the
popular pub on the Hatfield Road. Before Christmas we had a coffee
morning in a member’s home.

Dancers went to Edgware to dance
to the music of Mr Wonderful in early and late December.

Theatre and film events included
“Last Tango in Little Grimley”, with a light supper, at Park Street. Pilot members also went on trips
to the National Theatre to see the musical play “Wonderland”, and to Sadlers
Wells to see “The Little Match Girl”. Films were “Brooklyn” at the art-deco Odyssey cinema
in St
and “Carol” at Garden City Cinema.

Coming up in January we have a
Burns Night quiz and party at a hired hall, with punch and traditional food.
Film and theatre events include “Spectre”, “Suffragette”, “Macbeth”, “Bridge of
Spies” “Sunset Song”, a screening of the
play “Liaisons Dangereuses”, and the plays “Brassed Off” (complete with brass
band), and “Eclipsed”. We will be having a day out in the Kings Cross area,
visiting free exhibitions, and we will be visiting a pop-up auction in
Welwyn. There will also be two games
evenings at members’ homes. All this is in addition to our regular pub-nights
(one at a Ski Centre), pub-quiz-nights, and dancing.

Why not brighten up January by
joining us? Just contact our New Members’ Co-ordinator via the box on the main
page of this website.

Pilot Club Diary of Events November 2015

Events Posted on Sat, December 05, 2015 16:42:00


Our regular Thursday pub-nights were at pubs in
London Colney, central St
Albans, and north St Albans and, for an interesting change, at the Hemel Hempstead ski centre, watching the skiers (with one member taking part) At three of these pub-nights there was also an
option of a meal beforehand. The first Tuesday lunch was at the usual pub in north St Albans, and the regular Monday night quiz was at
the usual pub on the Hatfield road, St Albans. There
was also a Wednesday night get-together at the same pub. There was also a Saturday
night Chinese meal in St

Dancers went to Edgware. Theatre events were “Singin’ in the Rain” at Watford, and “Hello Dolly” at Radlett. Film events were “The Intern” in Watford, “Spectre” in Welwyn Garden City, and “Lady in the Van” in Welwyn
Garden City, followed by a meal at Pizza Express.

Highlights were seeing the fireworks display in St Albans, followed by soup and hot-dogs, and joining a
day-out to Ascot Races. There was also a visit to St Albans Abbey for a talk,
and to the University of Herts for a lecture. There was a Beetle-Drive in St Albans, and a games evening at a member’s home. There
were London visits to the Magic Circle and to the Stitching and Hobby-crafts Show.

Coming up we have our Christmas lunch and evening party,
a play and supper in Park Street, and a concert in St Albans Abbey on New Year’s Day. In January we have a Burns Night quiz and
party at a hall in Tyttenhanger, and “Brassed Off” at the Barn theatre in
Welwyn Garden City. In February, members will be going to a classical music
concert at the University of Hertfordshire.

If you think you would like to join similar events
in future, or would like to put an event of your own choice into our programme,
contact our New Members’ co-ordinator through the contact box on the main page
of this website.

Pilot Club Diary of Events October 2015

Events Posted on Sat, October 31, 2015 11:25:57


This month our Thursday pub-nights were at pubs in
Sandridge, north St Albans, and Tyttenhanger. We also had two Friday night
get-togethers, with optional meal, at the popular north St Albans pub, and the regular first Tuesday lunch
there. There was also a Saturday night meal at Loch Fine in St Albans and a Sunday lunch at a pub in Lemsford. The
regular Monday night quiz at a Hatfield road pub remains popular. Members also
went to a quiz in aid of Grove House.

Film and theatre events included a comedy night at
Westminster Lodge, St Albans; the film “Ruth and Alex” and a screening of the
theatre version of “The Mousetrap” at St Albans Arena; a screening on “Macbeth”
and the film “Suffragette” at Campus West, Welwyn Garden City; and the play
“Burial at Thebes” at the Abbey Theatre, St Albans. Members also heard a
presentation by Ann Widdicombe at Wylotts Theatre, Potters Bar, and heard a
concert of Strauss and Brahms at the University of Herts at Hatfield.

Dancers went to the monthly event in Edgware, and
walkers went on a Sunday morning walk in Heartwood Forest, with a meal in Sandridge afterwards.

Members went out and about on a guided tour of the
Olympic site, and to a guided walk around “The Old City” in London. Locally we went to Apple Day at Highfield Park in St Albans. There was a games evening and a pot-luck supper
in members’ homes, and a Christmas table-decoration class.

Coming up in November we have visits to the
Stitching and Hobby- Crafts Show in London, to the Magic Circle, and to Ascot Races. In December we have “The
Little Match Girl” ballet at Sadlers Wells, “Wonderland” at the National Theatre,
and also we are joining an evening party at a hotel in St Albans and having our own Christmas lunch in Aldenham. In
January we will hold a Burns Night party at a hall in Tyttenhanger.

To find out more about our club and upcoming
events, just contact the New Members’ Co-ordinator through the box on our

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